
Jesus, Demons, Mediums, and the Afterlife

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David Thompson
recordings: 2006

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William, David Thompson's "control" in the afterlife, talks about suicide


David Thompson is a direct-voice medium from Australia who has been holding meetings with a group they have named the "Silver Cord Circle." The group has had a variety of materializations and talks from those in the afterlife.

William (portrayed in the sketch) is David Thompson's "control," meaning that he is the link in the afterlife with David Thompson during the seances. In a recent seance, William answered a question about suicides in the afterlife. He explained that while on earth, those who commit suicide have emotional needs that are often ignored. When they make the transition to the afterlife, however, they immediately receive all the attention, counseling, and solace they need. They must face the same issues they thought they were leaving behind on Earth, but they are helped to grow beyond them.

A transcript of his explanation follows the sound bar below.

Quicktime MP3


William on suicide (September 29, 2006)

Sitter:     A good friend of theirs, their son passed by committing suicide, and I was just wondering what, and they were wondering as well, what effect that had on a person when they transitioned to the other side.

William:     Well, my friend let me tell you this: That quite often people believe the taking of their own life is a way of dealing with their emotional situations. And of course, as we all know, when you survive between the two spheres you retain your personality. Of course, quite often, the same help could be afforded to an individual upon the earth vibration as it would be within the spirit dimension upon their transition.

But quite often due to the fog of matter of uncertainty and unwillingness on people's behalves to help each other upon the earth vibration quite often people go unnoticed when they have dire emotional situations within their life that pushes them to take their own life.

But I can promise you this: that when people do that, that there are those within the world of spirit that are waiting to help them. And of course, they must still face their emotional problems. There's still something that the individual has to reconcile within themselves before they can move on. But alas we can see the emotional turmoil that the individual has and help them with this. Whereas the greater good, the greater part goes unnoticed upon your vibration. How unfortunate.


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