
Validity of the
afterlife recordings

David Thompson
recordings: 2006

Reunions in the afterlife

Voices of people
in the afterlife

Why people in the
afterlife speak to us

Characteristics of
the afterlife

Developing a
medium group

Afterlife messages about spirit and existence

Recording of a Roman woman singing

Christianity and Spiritual Growth

The Greater Reality


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Madame Marie Curie

Madame Marie Curie

Maria Sklodowska-Curie was a Polish-French physicist and chemist who was a pioneer in the study of radioactivity. She was the first two-time Nobel laureate in two different sciences and the first female professor at the Sorbonne.

This seance begins with Mickey, Flint's control, speaking for four minutes. Then Madame Curie joins in to say she did not know then that she was being inspired by those from the other side of life, but after crossing over, she met those who had been working with her from the other side and they revealed their role in her discoveries. She explains that it is wonderful to be able to talk even for a few moments in the seance.

10 minutes

Windows Media

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