
Validity of the
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David Thompson
Recordings: 2006

Reunions in the afterlife

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Afterlife messages about spirit and existence

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Growing in Spiritual Maturity in the Afterlife

Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas: How People Mature Spiritually in the Afterlife

Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas (1867-1953) was a Methodist minister in England who devoted a major portion of his life to systematic psychic study. In 1970, he came through in a Leslie Flint seance describing the work he was doing in the afterlife. In the process of explain what he was doing, he described the process people go through to grow spiritually.

The afterlife is made of the realm of thought. A person lives on a level that matches her level of spirituality. Her thoughts provide what she needs in that level, and other souls with similar levels of thought live in the same sphere. They have a normal, everyday life that fits the thoughts they hold. Their thoughts create the shared reality.

Thomas engages in teaching the "lesser souls." He doesn't like to use that word because it's inappropriate to speak of lesser or greater. Instead, every individual through eternity in all levels and spheres is at some level of growth. Some people are at a very egocentric, low level of spiritual growth, living with others of similar low level. Some of these levels are even lower than the earth level.

He explains that people who are closed up and unable to free their minds to grow to higher levels need teaching and uplifting. They need to realize that their thoughts are keeping them on a lower level and that higher levels will give them peace, love, tranquility, and vistas of opportunity more vast than they can imagine. He has taken on the role of helping learn so they can advance spiritually.

To be able to empathize with and communicate with those souls who are on lower spheres, he must adapt his mind to their level of thinking. He is able to choose to do so, and in speaking with them in their level of thought, he can help them understand that by opening themselves up to development and understanding, they can experience the power of the spirit, expand themselves, and rise out of the level they are in. One difficulty is that they don't realize there are higher levels to which they could aspire, and as a result the are lethargic about changing their thinking.

In this segment of his seance, he describes the levels of being and that some souls are lethargic. His role is to help them grow out of that lethargy and start to ascend to higher planes. George Woods asks him about his life on the other side now.

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